DRASTIC stands for “Driving the Italian Food System into a Circular Economy Model”. DRASTIC objectives encompass Circular Economy (CE) transition challenges occurring at all stages of the olive oil supply chain, starting from the agro-ecological subsystem (olive cultivation and harvesting), passing through the agro-industrial subsystem (olive oil production), and ending with consumption. CE might be the paradigm to re-conceptualize future agri-food industries and recreate a balanced co-existence of ecological and economic systems. Questioning current agri-food linear systems, finding solutions for transitioning into CE pathways in which wastes are transformed into shared resources, is then of paramount importance for the future food sustainability. The DRASTIC project, funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research), deals with how this issue can be addressed in the olive oil production of Southern Italy.
Project duration: 3 years
DRASTIC ends: August 6, 2023